Subject: Download 100+ 'How To' Tutorials! (FTP, cPanel, WordPress, ARs, HTML, Aff...)

Hi Friend,

One of the best ways to learn this
industry is to watch what someone else
is already doing and then copying them
to get the same results.

Reading about how to perform a skill is
completely different to actually seeing
someone do it in front of you.

That's why reading material will always
have a limit when 'hands on' training
is needed.

In a rush?...


Here's a full list of the training you
can get your hands on...

Domain Management and C-panel - 12 Videos

1.- Registering Domain Name
2.- Buying Bulk Domain Names
3.- Buying Hosting Hostgator
4.- Buying Hosting Bluehost
5.- C-Panel Basics
6.- Pointing Domain Name
7.- Setting up email account in Cpanel
8.- Setting up email forwarder
9.- Web Analytics
10 - Fantastico Overview
11 - C-panel Autoresponse Message
12 - Deleting Fantastico Installations With Cpanel

WordPress Beginnings - 13 Videos

13 - Wordpress Setup
14 - Customizing Your Wordpress Theme
15 - Navigating Wordpress Dashboard
16 - Wordpress Settings - Going Live Part 1
17 - Wordpress Settings - Going Live Part 2
18 - Wordpress Plugins
19 - Spam Free Wordpress Setup
20 - Managing Wordpress Default Themes
21 - Wordpress Links and Blog Roll
22 - Changing Wordpress Headerand Background
23 - Adding Your First new Post
24 - Adding Your First New Page
25 - Adding Your Contact Us Forms to Wordpress

Autoresponder Training Managing Your List - 12 Videos

26 - Creating New List with AWeber
27 - Creating Follow Up Sequence
28 - Creating Your Web Form For List Building
29 - Installing Your Aweber Web Form
30 - Trouble Shooting Your Aweber Web Form
31 - Aweber Web Form Statistics
32 - Understanding Aweber Reports
33 - Managing Your Aweber Subscribers
34 - GetResponse Campaign Setup
35 - GetResponse WebForm Setup
36 - GetResponse Installing Web Form
37 - GetResponse Sending An Email

Creating & Editing Sales Pages and Download Pages - 10 Videos

38 - Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 1
39 - Editing & Rebranding PLR Sales Page Part 2
40 - Adding Your Disclaimers and Privacy Policies
41 - Sales Page Final Editing
42 - Saving Your Sales Page changes (Important)
43 - Adding your picture to your Html website
44 - Setting Up Download Pages
45 - Monetizing Download Pages
46 - Editing PLR Minisite
47 - Adding Sales Copy to PLR Minisite

Basic Editing of Graphics and Images - 6 Videos

48 - Resizing Images
49 - Creating PDF Document
50 - Creating a zip file
51 - Extracting a Zip File
52 - Creating Exit Pop
53 - Jing Free Screen Captures Tutorial

Tech Basics of FTP - 7 Videos

54 - Filezilla FTP Installation
55 - FileZilla FTP First Steps
56 - FileZilla FTP Uploading First File
57 - FileZilla FTP Creating File Names & Folders
58 - FileZilla FTP Creating Download Links & More
59 - FileZilla FTP Uploading Website & Work With File Names
60 - FileZilla FTP Protecting Files With Snooper Pages

Marketing Forums and Special Offers - 9 Videos

61 - Forum Special Offers Part 1 Account Setup
62 - Forum Special Offers Part 2 Profile Setup
63 - Forum Special Offers Part 3 Posting Your Offer
64 - Warrior Forum Setup Account
65 - WarriorPlus Pro Sell Product
66 - WarriorPlus Setup Affiliate Marketing
67 - Warrior Special Offer Setup and Posting
68 - JVZoo Adding A Product
69 - JVZoo Managing Affiliates
70 - OSTicket Support Desk Install
71 - OSTicket Manage Support Desk
72 - OSTicket Support Desk Advanced

WordPress Advanced - 8 Videos

73 - Wordpress Media Overview
74 - Inserting Images In Wordpress Post
75 - Inserting PDF In Wordpress Post
76 - Inserting Video In Wordpress Post
77 - Inserting Affiliate Links In Wordpress Post
78 - Setting Up Wordpress Menus
79 - Creating Opt-in Box For List Building
80 - Adding Additional Users to Your Site

Google Services - 8 Videos

81 - Google Account Setup
82 - Google Adsense - Adding To Site
83 - Google Analytics Setup
84 - Google Analytics Advanced
85 - Google Calendar
86 - Gmail Account
87 - Google Webmaster Tools Setup
88 - Google Webmaster Tools Advanced

Tech Side of Affiliate Marketing - 16 Videos

89 - Amazon Part 1 Become An Affiliate
90 - Amazon Part 2 Getting Affiliate Link
91 - Amazon Part 3 Advanced Affiliate Methods
92 - Amazon Part 4 Using Promotions Hub
93 - Amazon Part 5 Finding Good Products To Promote
94 - Amazon Part 6 Category Banner Links
95 - Amazon Part 7 Linking To Search Results
96 - Amazon Part 8 Add Product HTML Code To Site
97 - Amazon Part 9 Add Banner To HTML Site
98 - Amazon Part 10 Add New Amazon Product Preview Script
99 - Inserting Affiliate Banners Into Website
100 - JVZoo Affiliate Account Setup
101 - JVZoo Finding Products To Promote & Affiliate Link Setup
102 - New Clickbank Introduction & Sign Up
103 - New Clickbank Marketplace: Find Products To Promote
104 - New Clickbank Creating Affiliate Links

Yes that's over 100 quick 5 minute
videos that show you what to do and how
to do it.

Whenever you come across a technical
block in your business, you can refer
back to these videos at any time to
help you complete almost any task.


To your success,

Bryan Hee

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