Subject: Do You ShopABot? And If Not... Should You?

Hi Friend

This has been open for not even 12 hours and already
more than 500 people have created their fully hosted

Why are people so psyched about this store? 

I mean... aren't there, like... TONS of other Amazon 
store builders out there already?  

Well... sure, there are - but... this is MUCH more than 
just an Amazon store. 

It addresses one of the most vital aspects of owning 
an online store... 

... Traffic.

And lets you: 

- Find products that are being added to wishlists, 
talked about on social media and guaranteed to
keep them talking/sharing and buying

- Creates a giveaway offer based on the most
popular trending offers - all pre-built for you 
and ready to go 

- Funnels all of that into your own, beautifully
built one-click store.  

Well, actually... i think it's like... 3 clicks all up, but
for real - this is incredible. 

And get your copy NOW... before the next price jump! 

By the way... did I mention it's fully hosted? 

You pay the low, low launch price today and you don't
need to pay for hosting, domain names or anything 

It's already got everything you need :) 

To your success,
Bryan Hee

P.S. They’re only letting in a few people at this special price, 
for good reason which will make sense when you see 
the offer. Really, go and look now because those numbers
are going to fill FAST!