Subject: [Cash Funnels Machine] Your 2 free money-making websites!

Hi Friend

I'm glad you're here.

You can claim your 2 free money-making
websites right here:


These are highly optimized and monetized
websites ready to bring you instant PayPal

Each site has a unique capture page, download
page filled up with affiliate banners, and a free
product you get full giveaway rights to!

Just plug in your affiliate links and start making
massive affiliate commissions.

If you're looking to take it to the next level and
get 16 brand-new cash funnels that you can
set up in 5 minutes flat with a "miracle technology"
just go here:



Success is in You,

Bryan Hee

P.S. Here's what kind of results one of our first
beta testers got from this "miracle technology":

"I Made $130.45 In Profit With My Test Funnel!"

Cash Funnels Machine really works! After setting up
a test funnel I was really amazed by the results.
I  got 169 subscribers that resulted in $25.85 affiliate
commissions on JVZoo, 47 euro selling my own product,
plus 2 more sales for another 28 euro.

And the best part is I spent only $4.80 on advertising
(other traffic i got from free posts on Facebook
Groups and Google+ communities).

All in all I made: $135.25
Spent: $4.80
Profit: $130.45

And that was just from a quick one funnel setup! I can't
wait to scale it up and try 15 other funnels.

Marc Sibille
Sydney, NSW, Australia
