Subject: [3 Hours Left] The #LurnSummit Registration Closes TONIGHT!

Hi Friend

I’ll be brief because time is of the essence:

Your chance to register for the #LurnSummit and get 16 hours of
top notch training from industry TITANS for just $1 ends in just
3 hours:

LAST CHANCE: 3 Hours Left To Register For The Lurn Summit For
Just $1!

Remember, you’re getting over 16 hours of training directly
from industry GIANTS like Robert Kiyosaki and Bob Proctor…

...and even if you can’t attend live, you gotta register to get
the replays!

We’ll cover business systems, traffic, conversions… literally
EVERYTHING you need to from zero to your first $5K, $10K and even
$20K months with your profitable online business!

In fact, we’ll help you build your business LIVE over the

The best part?

It’s ONLY $1!

And you still have 3 hours left before your opportunity to invest
your best dollar ever goes away. 


LAST CHANCE: 3 Hours Left To Register For The Lurn Summit For
Just $1!

Go get it, 



Bryan Hee 

P.S. Like I’ve said earlier, they're sending out replays, so
make sure you AT LEAST get on the list if you can't be there for
the entire event this weekend. 
