Subject:  [RE-OPENED 3 DAYS] *FULL MEMBERSHIP SITE* Created And Setup For You! (install service available...)

Hi Friend

Several weeks ago Aaron Danker released a full
ready-to-go membership system that you
could have setup and fully installed
for you.

Unfortunately at that time not everyone
was in a good position to jump in on

So for the next 3 days he is re-opening
this offer at a discount with an
optional install service.

Done-For-You MEMBERSHIP Site:


The membership business model is one
of the best online because you're
setting up a long-term agreement
between you and your customers. You
provide the content, they agree to
stay a member so long as they are

Think about it... how much effort would
you have to exert to match a 12-month

That would be equivalent to selling 12
times to the same customer over the
span of 12 months, writing up 12 sales
letters, creating 12 different
products, 12 cover designers, plus 12
launch emails not to mention the

And who's to say that your first-time
customers will still hang around for
that long or even bother to read your

This is why I absolutely stand by the
membership business model. It's the

However... There is one tiny little

Creating a membership site from scratch
is EXTREMELY time-consuming. Putting
together months upon months of content
can be a challenge in itself.

So to solve this problem what I have
for you is a completely *DONE FOR YOU*
membership business which you could
have up and running today!

Done-For-You MEMBERSHIP Site:

- No need to create the membership
content... IT'S ALREADY DONE.

- No need to research or plan what
order to send and deliver your
membership content... IT'S ALREADY DONE.

- No need to create separate download
pages for your members... IT'S ALREADY

- No need to create separate emails to
send your members to the download

- No need to design mini-site graphics
to make your membership attractive...

- No need to write a super long
convincing sales letter to pull in new
members... IT'S ALREADY DONE.

- No need to put together an animated
sales video to boost your
conversions... IT'S ALREADY DONE.

Yes you've got it... EVERYTHING'S done!

And to sweeten the deal for you, if you
feel like this whole 'membership' thing
is a bit too technical, He even have
his team setup the entire membership
site for you from start to finish!

Make sure you secure a copy of this
whilst the install service is still available
and the 50% discount is still on...

Full details below...

Done-For-You MEMBERSHIP Site:

Have an awesome day!

To your success,

Bryan Hee

PS: I am recommending this because it's
a good way to get started with membership
sites, and then - if you want, you can model
and follow the same mechanics, web pages
etc but this time with your own content ;-)

Done-For-You MEMBERSHIP Site:

PPS: Get this membership site business in a box!