Subject:  Here's how it works (Guru's secret)

Hi Friend

I'm about to reveal the system that almost all internet marketing
gurus use to make so much money online...

Step #1: Design a webpage for the sole purpose of building a list
of targeted subscribers.

Step #2: Create a high value information product to be given away
for free so that it entices the website visitors to subscribe
with their emails.

Step #3: Prepare email marketing campaigns to monetize the list

Once everything is ready, they'll start to promote the webpage.
Then, continue to track the conversion and improve it.

And interestingly, that's EXACTLY what CB Passive Income License
Program 2.0
is about. But instead of just training, it's a
"done-for-you" system for the 3 steps mentioned above.

Now, I would to share with you a "secret" on how you can be ahead
of *everyone*...

You see, by this Tuesday, there will be a NEW "done-for-you"
webpage available inside the CB Passive Income member area. By
knowing this, you'll have the benefit to be one of the first few
to promote it so that you can make passive income from the

The good news is, when you sign up now, you can go through the
traffic and promotion courses within the next few days before we
go live.

Warm regards,
Bryan Hee

P.S: This system is supported with a 100% money back guarantee.

P.P.S: On top of that, it has been proven to help newbies to make
their first dollar online and experienced marketers are using it
to create passive income today.

Bryan Hee