Subject: The world’s most expensive PIZZA?

Crypto has always been “weird” and full of funny stories.

In 2010, a 19-year-old California student traded Bitcoin for a pizza.

Today, that pizza would’ve been worth 265 million.

I have heard numerous stories about people doing things like this early on with Crypto…(heck, I've even shared many of them over the last week).

Even today though, trading Crypto still has a whole bunch of doubt.

Rightfully so… because people have lost their entire savings accounts with Crypto.

Those stories aren’t hard to find either.

THAT’S WHY I've been an advocate, over the last week & change, for my mentor Dan Hollings’ new cryptocurrency “wiggle profit” system.

This is a brand-new system that...

[+] Allows anyone to get involved - from complete beginner to seasoned veterans

[+] Generates passive income on (in many cases) a minute-by-minute basis

[+] It takes advantage of the volatility of crypto - and can work when the market is up OR down

[+] Over 9,000 people are now involved in this system & Dan has spent millions perfecting this system over the last few years.

>> You can check out the webinar replay that covers this system in full, here.

On this training, Dan also opens up enrollment for his training program “The Plan” which walks you through, step-by-step, how to get involved with this system even faster.

Maybe you’ve seen the webinar replay, maybe you haven’t.

But, I'm sure at some point in reading my emails you’ve thought “would this really work for me?”..

Well, for 1 - I’m honestly not sure. Everyone’s different!

Though, it’s hard to argue with 9,000 people getting involved with this system & joining “The Plan”.

Can 9,000 people be wrong? I’m not sure. Maybe, but I'd argue probably not.

Personally, I’m really intrigued by Dan’s new system, and right now you have 2 options.

Path #1) Do nothing and stay where you’re at.. And keep doing what you’re doing.

Path #2) Check out Dan’s new system, give it a shot, and see if you can generate passive income from applying it.

Which path do you think would likely lead you to a better life?

I can’t answer that for you, but I’d argue that Path #2 makes the most sense for most.

Check out the replay below and claim your spot in “The Plan” before this all disappears soon.

[ >> Click here to watch the workshop replay and review this special offer ]


Tina Dyck

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.

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