Subject: Happy even if Market's are down, up or sideways...

Here's How Dan Makes $58,323/Mo In Crypto, Whether The Market Goes Up, Down or Sideways...

Hey Friend,

 I am sending you an email about a crypto investment strategy that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen…

It was created by a mentor of mine, Dan Hollings, and it’s been quietly making its way through our industry by word-of-mouth…

The biggest problem with investing in crypto is that it’s 100% speculation in an extremely volatile market.

The primary way you make money is if you buy low, and then do your best to try and figure out when the top will come so you can sell.

Knowing when to buy low is hard.
Knowing which assets to buy is even harder.
And knowing when to sell at the top and having the emotional strength to do so is nearly impossible. (I'm speaking from experience here). LOL

Not to mention the fact that if you don’t manage to sell at the top, you have to sell at a loss, or watch your portfolio drop 80%+ while you wait another 2-3 years for the bear market to run its course. Not cool.

Now the solution to all of these problems is, "trading".

Great traders can make money whether the price of crypto goes up or down, but mastering the skill of trading is a full time career that I don’t have the time or desire to master.

Well Dan basically fixed all of these problems…  First for himself, then for his friends, and now for us.

He created an automated trading system that follows a very specific set of parameters… "If X happens, then buy". If Y happens, then sell".

And his "bot" executes these small trades for him every minute of every single day.

The brilliant part about Dan’s, "Plan" is that he doesn’t swing for the fences using leverage like most new traders.

Instead, he picks up "pennies and dollars" a few hundred times per day with micro-trades.

And boy do these tiny trades add up!

In fact, here’s what he made over the past 12 months…

August 2020 - $94,649
September - $100,863
October - $6,112
November - 30,547
December - $70,970
January 2021 - $41,283
February - $161,017
March - $20,958
April - $24,444
May - $49,106
June $11,029
July - $34,693
August - $54,205

The grand total? $699,876.

That’s an average of $58,323 per month in PROFIT, and he'll log you into his account and show you all of these numbers so you can see them for yourself.

And here's the best part...

He doesn’t sit at his desk all day looking at 6 screens. He literally sets up these trading scripts or "bots", and then walks away for a few weeks or a few months at a time.

The end result, is $58,000+ per month in passive income, month after month for over a year. In fact, he's never had a month where he hasn't made a profit.

This is the single biggest opportunity I’ve ever seen in crypto. Period.

Yes, it’s even bigger than "buying in early" because that’s placing a bet.

That's still gambling and it still requires you to sell at the right time.

But crypto could crash tomorrow, and Dan will make money.

China could ban Bitcoin AGAIN, and Dan will make money.

We could go through a 3 year long bear market, and Dan will make money.

We could even go through a global economic collapse, and Dan will make money.

And by the way, this last part is extremely interesting to me…

I don’t have to tell you that uncertain times are ahead… Personally, I would love to have the ability to make $58,000+ per month no matter what’s happening in the world.

That kind of security is priceless.

The bottom line is that you owe it to yourself to see what "The Plan" is all about…

I personally paid for the program, I've been using it for 1 month and 4 days and have gotten great results! Certainly better than money sitting in a bank or savings account.

While nothing in life is guaranteed, I can tell you that this is real, I know the people involved and have friends who have been getting great results.

If you have some money in some speculative NFT’s or micro-cap cryptos that MIGHT go up in value some day, I’d trade a bit of that in without question to get access to this system.

But enough of my yapping… Click here to go learn about "The Plan" for yourself and see if you see the same opportunity I do…

What I really enjoyed most about his strategy is that he is completely transparent and show's exactly how his system works, along with the results he and his students are getting.

When you go to this page, watch the 3 minute video, then click to join the waiting list, you won't have to wait long, as he opens up his training tomorrow morning Nov 27th 2021.

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