Subject: BAD advice

Cryptocurrency always gets hype and media coverage... telling people to” invest now!”…

Not too long ago many people were saying…

“Dogecoin is worth 68 cents right now, it will be worth 10 dollars by the end of the year!”

Unfortunately, this little-known crypto “altcoin” dropped from 68 cents down to 30 cents.

And when the coin dropped in price, some people lost tens of thousands of dollars (or more).

Many people out there likely lost their savings when Dogecoin (and other cryptocurrencies) first crashed.

While crypto is extremely powerful, no one wants to “risk” losing their hard-earned money just to get involved.

Anyone telling you otherwise is likely giving you bad advice.

That’s why I love Dan Hollings.

Over the last 2 years, Dan has created a “virtually automated” cryptocurrency strategy that is programmed to know when to buy & when to sell.

And while many people are LOSING money when the market dips, Dan instead made +20,000 dollars in net returns during that same time. **

So, how the heck did he do that?

You see, Dan leverages the volatility of crypto to make his “automated trades”.

Yes, crypto goes UP and it also goes DOWN… we all know that.

But what most people DON’T know is that it goes sideways every day, too.

Dan calls this “wiggle profits”. THIS is the secret sauce that he leverages to make passive income day in and day out with his new system.

We recently did a training with Dan on his “Wiggle Profits” system that explains the entire thing. If you didn’t see it, we screen recorded the training for you…

>> Watch the “Wiggle Profits” Training HERE.

(The replay is going away soon. Check it out while you still can…)

Dan is able to take his savings accounts that make 0.5% interest ANNUALLY and make up to 10-30% interest MONTHLY (or more in many cases).

Today, you might as well put that money into an “automated” crypto system that trades FOR you.

It’s based on THOUSANDS of data points & millions of dollars spent developing and perfecting it (and you don’t need to have any experience to get involved)...

>> Watch the Crypto “Wiggle Profits” Training HERE.


Tina Dyck

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.

** Based on an investment of 24,769 dollars that was invested over 30 days.

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