Subject: Today! Call #1 of April: 100-Word Critiques ☕️

Today: Call #1
100-Word Critiques 
Hi Friend,

How are you? Hope you're doing well and staying safe. If you need anything, please let me know.

We have a few new features coming:
  • Weekly writing sprints.

    Wednesdays, 11am PT/12pm CT/1pm ET, starts April 1st and lasts 1 hour.

    Gather on Zoom to check in then write. Then check in at the end of the hour. Hosted by Ann Shannon.

    Details posted in Fellowship of the Pen FB group:

  • Virtual Writer’s Café, also hosted by Ann Shannon. Thanks Ann!

    The Virtual Writer’s Café will meet twice weekly Tuesday, 7-8 pm ET / 4-5pm PT and Thursday, 3-4pm ET / 12-1pm PT on Facebook, in the Fellowship of the Pen group and on Twitter with the hashtag #VirtualWritersCafe.

    More details coming soon!

I look forward to reconnecting with you today for Call #1, the first group of the month.

Tuesday, April 2, 2020 at 
5:30pm PT / 7:30pm CT / 8:30pm ET

Calls last up to 90 minutes.

Please RSVP. Thanks! The call will be recorded.

** Reminder: Send in up to 100-words ahead of time. Details below. **

Our Focus: 100-word critiques on narrative and/or dialogue

In our call, we'll go over 100-word critiques with/or narrative -- could be setting, inner thought, action, etc., AND/OR dialogue.

Optional: As we do we'll draft up some principles to keep in mind as you write and edit.

For example: What makes readers care about your characters?

Use these 5 questions to see if you have these 5 emotional components in each scene:
  • Is your character like us? Can we recognize ourself in them?
  • Do we feel pity for them for a misfortune they've suffered or are suffering?
  • Do they care for someone other than themselves and show that caring?
  • Do we admire them because they've done something or are doing something heroic, funny, skilled, or clever?
  • Do we know why they struggle after their goal? Do we know what's at stake for them?

(From "Emotional Core: Empathy Formula" in the Plan Your Novel course here:

We'll also:

-- do our Metaphor Check-ins

-- share announcements and next steps

Bring your questions to the call.

We'll also have a good time connecting!


PS. If you can't attend, you can still send in your questions, though you must be present for us to critique your work.


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


All calls are on Zoom: Meeting ID: 781 707 967

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)

International numbers available:

*The call will be recorded if you can't make it live.

Please RSVP for the call. Thanks!


Reminder: Weekly Peer Critique Group: 
     Weekly on Mondays on Zoom
     -- 5pm PT/8pm ET
     Zoom Meeting:

New! Weekly Writing Sprints for all students via Fellowship of the Pen community:
     Weekly on Wednesdays on Zoom,
     -- 11am PT/1pm ET (1 hour)
     Zoom meeting:

60-Day Novel course starts April 1st!
     Join for free here: special program benefit to you!

    -- This course comes with a special webinar on how to generate ideas on Tuesday, March 31, 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET (I'll send reminders for that as part of the 60-Day Novel course.)

Next Week: Group Call #1 of April 
On Thursday, April 2, 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET

Fellowship of the Pen Student Community Q&A Call
Wednesday, April 15, 3pm PT/6pm ET

Group Call #2 of April
On Thursday, April 16, 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET

Group Call #3 of April
On Tuesday, April 28, 9am PT/12pm ET

Your Group Benefits

HOME STUDY COURSES: As a member of the group coaching program, You have access to all the home study courses here:

Q: Where are the replays?

A: ALL GROUP REPLAYS: All the group calls are stored here:



Let me know if you have any questions, request for clarifications, or suggestions. Business hours are generally: M-F, 9-5pm PT.

We're here to help you craft a successful and sustainable career as a novelist, so that you can inspire the world with your stories.


Hugs and love  from us! 

Beth & Ezra
Bring Your Questions & Your Curiosity to the Group! 

We're Here to Support Your Success.
Creativity Spark for you today: 

Do something today that makes your laugh, a big belly laugh.

Barany School of Fiction
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, 94611, Piedmont, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.