Subject: Replay for Today's Call on Marketing + Check In

Replay for Today's Call on Marketing + Check In
Hi Friend,

Here's the replay for tonight's call:

TOPIC: Lead Magnets/List Builders + Side Products

Member Mellissa Green suggested this topic: creating and marketing side products to go along with your book like recipe cards.

Having a freebie can attract new readers, please fans, and build your list.

Having side products can help you build income and even have gifts to give away.

We brainstormed ideas together for possible side products and/or lead magnets (list builders). It was fun!

Though the call is over, you can still post your replies to this question: What are your questions on this topic? Please post on Facebook here: or hit reply.

As we do in every meeting, people brought their celebrations, questions, shares, and willingness to help their fellow authors. 

We also discussed about what's next, including the renewal possibility of the group program for many of you. I'll be sending individual emails to those of you up for renewal. 

If you have any questions about your member status, email me! :)

REMEMBER: This is a program and group to help you create the success as a novelist and a creative that you desire. It's your job to ask for the help you need and to take the steps to get to where you want to go.

We are here to help and guide you and celebrate each and every step you take!

Your Group Perks

HOMESTUDY COURSES: As a member of the group coaching program, You have access to all the homestudy courses here:

ALL GROUP REPLAYS: All the group calls are stored here:

Post Your January 2017 Goals

If you'd like accountability and support, post your goals for the month here:

Questions to help you focus:
  1. What are your author career goals for December 2016, in the categories of Writing, Editing, Marketing, Publishing, Other, all of these or one of them?
  2. How would you like to feel by the end of the month?
  3. What would you like to say you've accomplished?
  4. What experience would you like to have by month's end?

Sneak Peek at What's Coming Next

1. February 2017: Edit Your Novel  "Beyond The Five Senses"

Enliven Your Prose, Enhance Your Characters, Captivate Your Readers

Member cost: $30. Use this coupon: MEMBER149

2. February 1, 2017: Group Coaching Program renews for many of you.

Early Bird Bonuses are up for those who renew (or register for new people!) by January 20, 2017, 9pm PT: 

5. Book Marketing courses coming back in Spring 2017!

Class calendar here:

Subject to change.


Let me know if you have any questions, request for clarifications, or suggestions. Business hours are generally: M-F, 9-5pm PT.

We're here to help you craft a successful and sustainable career as a novelist, so that you can inspire the world with your stories.


Hugs and love from us! (And Leo the Cat!)

Beth & Ezra
Bring Your Questions & Your Curiosity to the Group! 
We're Here to Support Your Success.
My message for you today: 

Stories help us change because they are about change. What change are you writing about?
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, 94611, Piedmont, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.