Subject: Next Week! Our 1st July Group Coaching Call: July 11

Next Week! Our 1st July Group Coaching Call: July 11
Hi Friend,

Happy July 4th! Ezra and I have missed connecting with you.

Hope to see you in our group meeting next week

Here's the first email reminder for our first group coaching call of the month, happening next Thursday.

Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 
5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET

Calls last up to 90 minutes.

Please RSVP. Thanks! The call will be recorded.

** Reminder: Please send any materials to review by today Wednesday 5pm Pacific -- so that I can prep them in time and not be rushed. Thanks! **

Topic: Branding and Book Marketing for Novelists: Your Author Newsletter

In this group call, we'll review the hows and whys of your author newsletter, and review together your materials.

** Get feedback on your branding and marketing steps! **

We'll also take your questions and chat about anything else that's top of mind for you.

If you want to prepare, read through Module 6-7 in our BRANDING FOR NOVELISTS course.

Start here -- Module 6:

(You need to be enrolled to access this.)

We'll also:
-- do our Metaphor Check-ins
-- take your questions in Open Q&A
-- Laser Coaching: 2 openings! Email me to claim your spot. *Please send ahead of time!*
-- share announcements

Bring your questions to the call or post ahead of time in the Facebook group here.

We'll also have a good time connecting!


PS. If you can't attend, you can still send in your questions and materials.


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


All calls are on Zoom: Meeting ID: 781 707 967

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)

International numbers available:

*The call will be recorded if you can't make it live.

Please RSVP for the call. Thanks!


No second June call. Ezra and I will be traveling out of the country.

Note the change for the July call:

Next Group call is next week: Thursday, July 18, 2019, 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern

Next Fellowship of the Pen monthly call: August 22, 2019, 2pm PT/5pm ET. Subject to change.

Your Group Benefits

HOME STUDY COURSES: As a member of the group coaching program, You have access to all the home study courses here:

ALL GROUP REPLAYS: All the group calls are stored here:


Let me know if you have any questions, request for clarifications, or suggestions. Business hours are generally: M-F, 9-5pm PT.

We're here to help you craft a successful and sustainable career as a novelist, so that you can inspire the world with your stories.


Hugs and love from us! 

Beth & Ezra
Bring Your Questions & Your Curiosity to the Group! 
We're Here to Support Your Success.
Creativity Spark for you today: 

Creativity is inherent in being human and is key to how we learn and grow; creativity is our power. And in this day and age of great change, exercising our creativity is a revolutionary act.
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, 94611, Piedmont, United States
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