Subject: Who thought THAT Coin would be rare??

Hey Friend

After such an interesting year in Australian Coins, it almost feels like Oscar night for coin collectors...

What am I talking about? The Mint has just released the mintages for the coins of 2018 - in other words, the big reveal of which coins from last year are rare (if any), and there were a few surprises!

The Ten Cent (2.6 million) and Fifty Cent (3.7 million) had relatively low mintages in 2018 compared to past years.

The big surprises were many of the One Dollar & Two Dollar coins. The Armistice Red Poppy from 2018 was only 1.6 million (even for a coloured $2 coin, that’s a fairly small mintage):

2018 Armistice coin

Obviously, there's more to coin collecting than rarity, but it is cool to discover that you've got a coin that's hard to find. Surprisingly the 2018 One Dollar and a few of the Two Dollar coins were NOT as rare as a lot of people expected.

To see the updated numbers for yourself, you can check out the Royal Australian Mint’s page - they've just updated it in the last few days:

There's a link on the left of that page for each of the coins - please reply to this email if you need more information or have any questions.

Of course the other big coin news at the moment is the Australia Post Coin Hunt with the 26 Alphabet coins. The final 6 coins are available to collect at face value this week.

There are rumours are that you’ll be able to buy the coins after the promotion, but they’ll cost more than face value. If you’d like to get the coins at face value (albeit having to make a purchase at the same time), this is technically the last week.



PS if you need to check which coins are available from the Great Australian Coin Hunt, there are photos on my Facebook page:

And yes, feel free to hit reply with any queries.