Subject: The Final Coin in the Australian Olympic Games Set is available from Woolies Now

Hey Friend

Officially this is the final week of the Olympics Coins promotion.

They have just revealed the sixth and final coin in the series, the Paralympics coin:

Paralympics Coin

You can get this coin in your change form Woolworths starting this week, and you can also buy a pack with this coin for $3 from Woolworths and the Mint.

While there's meant to be a new coin each week, some Woolworths stores have a lot of the first colours released, so you may still be able to complete your set over the next few weeks.

As the whole set is now available, I've put together a video with everything I know about this coin promotion - you can check it out here (just click on the image):

“2021 Olympic Coins

I hope that you're finding plenty of coins for yourself. As always, if you have any queries please feel free to press reply and email me.



PS Here is a direct link to the video: