Subject: Happy New Year Friend! Almost time for new coins...

Hey Friend

Happy New Year!

I hope that you've had a great start to the year.

You should start finding 2021 coins in your change soon, and there are some exciting new coins on the horizon.

But before we get to that, here are some details from last year that will help your collection.

I've put together a series of videos about the 2019 coins, and what they mean for your collection. With so many of these coins proving to be super-scarce (and valuable in some cases), it pays to know which ones are worth watching out for and holding onto:

“Low Mintage Standard Coins from 2019 and what they mean for your collection

This video covers the standard design coins, and the next will cover all the special design coins from 2019.

Until then, happy hunting - I hope that you're finding some (or all) of these JC coins.



PS If you'd like copies of the slides from this video, I've posted them on my Facebook page: