Subject: Golden Coins (with a twist)

Hi Friend

It’s been a huge week in the Australian coin collecting world!

1. New Two Dollar Coin:

First up, there is a new coloured two dollar coin out - it features a red poppy to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War 1 (November 11, 1918). This coin will be in circulation, so keep an eye on your change.

The Mint is selling the uncirculated version of this coin as well.

2. Willy Wonka has spoken!

You may have heard that the Royal Australian Mint has launched a competition featuring special one dollar coins.

There are 3 special versions of the one dollar coin in circulation. The 3 coins look almost normal, but they have the letters A, U or S just above the word "Dollar” on the Tails side.

The coins have the year 2019 on the Heads side (instead of 2018).

There are more details about the competition on the Mint’s competition page (

While there are multiple prizes to be won, you can only enter the major draw for a trip if you find all 3 of these coins (A, U and S).

The good news is that the comp runs until 8 April 2019, and the Mint is making an effort to ensure that the coins are distributed to banks throughout Australia, including remote areas.

Happy Hunting and Good luck!


PS Here are the links:


Red Poppy Uncirculated:
