Subject: Don’t you hate when that happens to your coins!?!

Hey Friend

Tell me if you've had this happen... you're waiting at the cafe for your coffee or food, but after you pay, the coins in your change seem much more interesting.

I had this a few days ago - the lady serving me handed me a normal looking one dollar, but it had an error on it that makes it worth much more than face value. 

I couldn't jump for joy, cause I was also holding a coffee (very important at that time of day) but what an awesome start! Fresh coffee, new coins and... uh oh! I'm on the way to a meeting - how will I keep the coin protected during the drive?

Should I use a paper serviette from the cafe - not a great option as it could actually damage the coin. I could put it in my wallet but it’s likely to get damaged in there as well... What to do?

There's a lot written about safely storing coins (coin holders, folders, etc), however sometimes the challenge is keeping the coins protected until you get them home.

For situations like this, I’ve actually started keeping a soft cloth with me to wrap any coins I come across for the trip home. A soft cloth, pouch or something that will protect the coin is handy. 

After some research, I did find there were a few things to avoid - obviously it's important to avoid any material that's abrasive (that could scratch the coins). 

Another potential problem is chemicals in the material that might harm the coin. 

If material smells like fabric softener or other cleaners, that could mean there are chemicals in the material that could affect your new find.

If you want to go to extremes, you could actually carry coin holders or coin sleeves with you, but that's hard to carry all the time. I'll admit I was carrying coin protectors with me when Woolworths had their coin promotions, but I was more interested in keeping the coins in good condition than the groceries. I even forgot the groceries once and had to go back for them. Haha

How do you get your coins home safely? What have you found that works for you? 

Have you had any other coin challenges that you want to find solutions to? Please hit reply and tell me what you'd like to learn more about regarding coins and coin collecting.



PS I'm serious - I'd love to read what you want to learn about coins and coin collecting - feel free to hit reply and let me know any queries you have!