Subject: Coin Hunting: What do you need to know in 2020?

Hey Friend

Happy New Year (and decade).

Phew! Looking back, 2019 was a huge year for coin collecting. In fact, I think there were more new coin designs released into circulation last year than ever before!

Some of the hardest coins to find last year were those with the new heads side - the new portrait of the Queen:

Old and new Effigy

A new heads side is not really that exciting in itself (especially compared to all the other Royal news at the moment). But in an awesome move, (as you may know) the Mint released all of the Aussie coins with BOTH the old and the new heads sides, so there were 2 versions of the standard coins trotted out.

We'll have to wait until later this year to find out which (if any) of these coins have a low mintage. However, in the meantime, keep an eye out - people are starting to find coins with the newer heads side in their change. They may be collectible, so hold onto them if you find them.

As there were so many coins released in 2019, I'll be sending you info in a few weeks about the coins from 2019 to keep an eye out for.

In the meantime, happy hunting!



Happy New Year