Subject: Coin Collecting Update - The Dark Side of Coin Collecting...

Hey Friend

I hope that you're having a great week. This is just a quick reminder (and warning) about the next week or two for Aussie coin collecting.

One Dollar with new Effigy ...

It's an exciting time in Australian coins. As you're probably aware, there's a One Dollar coin going into circulation at the moment with the new King Charles effigy, and people have started finding the coin around the country. It's an historic coin, being the first Australian decimal coin in circulation with a King on the Heads Side:

New King Charles Effigy

(Photo from the Royal Australian Mint)

The mintage for this coin is going to be relatively high (ie this will be a fairly common coin). The Mint stated on their Facebook page back in October:
"The Mint intends on manufacturing 10 million of these $1 coins, which will commence going into the banks and into the economy close to December this year."

Despite the high mintage, there will still be some people who have trouble finding this coin and end up buying the coin from someone else. However, with all the hype, the coin is already being sold way above face value.

So I just wanted to remind you that this coin should be fairly common and it should be easy to find in your change over the next few months. If you can't find a copy, ask friends and family around the country to keep an eye out for it. You shouldn't have to pay crazy prices for it.

New Two Dollar Set...

In addition to the new One Dollar coin, there's also a new $2 set from the RAM being released later this week celebrating 35 years of the $2 coin. People are going to go nuts trying to get this set and many dealers have already been overwhelmed with requests for the set.

This is not investment advice - I have no idea what the set will be worth in 6 months, 12 months or any future date. But I just wanted to remind you not to get caught up in the hype - keep your wits about you if you're buying it higher than the retail price.

Yes this set will be popular, and will likely go up in price. I don't know what the set will be worth ultimately. A lot of the collector coins released this year have sky-rocketed in price initially, but then reduced after the hype went away (usually when the next coin or coin set was released). However it may take some time for the hype to reduce for this set.

Obviously, many coin values go up over time, as they become more scarce and/or popular (supply and demand). The goal of many coin collectors is to make a profit, and there is nothing wrong with that. People are allowed to buy and sell at whatever price they like.

Once again, this is not investment advice. I just wanted to remind you to keep your wits about you with all the hype and excitement these next couple of weeks, so that you don't pay a price that you may regret later.

I hope that you find the coins/sets that you're after!


