Subject: Coin Collecting Update - New Coin and a Warning

Hey Friend

I hope that you're really well. It's been an interesting week for coin collecting!

New 2024 NAIDOC Fifty Cent coin
First up, there's the new 2024 coin that is just hitting circulation now. The RAM released a new Fifty Cent coin commemorating NAIDOC week. This is the first circulated Fifty Cent with a special design since 2019.

There are two versions of the coin. The first version has colour included in the design and is being sold as a collector coin:

NAIDOC Collector Coin

The second version is a non-coloured coin that is being released into circulation:

NAIDOC Circulation Coin

(This photo is courtesy of the RAM's Facebook page)

While these non-coloured coins are going into circulation (so you should start to see them in your change), the RAM is also releasing them at their coin swap events.

There is a coin swap this coming weekend at the Perth ANDA show on Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 July.

However, if you're not in Perth, they plan to run other coin swaps around the country...

Coin Swap request
Apparently the RAM is planning to take their coin swap show on the road and visit as many places as possible. They have asked for suggestions on their Facebook page for places to visit. If you want a coin swap in your town or city, make sure to jump on their facebook page and add your town to the comments on their post.

WARNING - Bluey Coins
Apparently Bluey coins are popular! As you probably know, there were three coloured Bluey coins released as collector coins about a month ago and they have skyrocketed in price.

However, what you may not know is that there is another Bluey promotion coming to Australia Post in a few months with un-coloured Bluey One Dollar coins (in September, I believe). There aren't many details available on this set yet.

In fact, I didn't know that they were confirmed until I saw people selling them on eBay. Apparently one or two post offices have already opened the bags of these un-coloured Bluey coins a few months early.

So I just wanted to let you know that if you see these non-coloured Bluey coins being sold, you have not missed out on anything. There will be a chance to buy them (probably at close to face value) later this year through Australia Post.

Just to confirm: it's not the coloured Bluey coins I'm talking about. Apparently there is a completely different set of Bluey coins that are coming later in 2024.

In the meantime, if you find the NAIDOC or any 2024 coins with the standard designs in circulation, please let me know. Hopefully we should start to see the six 2024 King Charles III standard coins in circulation soon.

Have a great start to the week and keep using cash.


