Subject: Coin Collecting Update - New Coin This Week and other Coin News...

Hey Friend

I hope you're having a great week! I've got a few updates that I think will help you out.

First up, I had some exciting news recently - my book the "Pirate Guide to Collecting Australian Coins" has been reviewed in the current (July) edition of the Australian Coin Review magazine. It's always a bit scary getting your work reviewed, so I was thrilled to read the kind words that Dr K.A. Rodgers wrote. If you've got a copy of the magazine, you can find the review on page 72/73. The Australian Coin Review magazine is available at newsagents.

Pirate Guide Book Review

New Coin this week
As you'd probably know we're entering the third and final week of the Woolworths Matildas coin promotion. This week, they released the yellow $2 coin:

Matildas Two Dollar Coin

This coin is in addition to the four $1 coins that are available for the whole promotion and the two green $2 coins.

I actually found it harder to get a complete set of the one dollar coins than the coloured $2 coins.

Which leads me to my next bit of news....

How to Swap Coins and find more coins for your collection

Like many people, I'm finding these Matildas coins hard to get! They are out there, but with seven coins it's not easy to get the whole set. It took a few trips to supermarkets for me to get a full set of $1 coins, and I'm lucky to have very friendly Woolworths staff.

Lots of people have told me they're struggling to get these coins (and also the Vegemite coins). Some people can't get any of the coins at their local store. Other stores get many copies of one or two coins, but never the full set.

The good news is that if you're having trouble getting the coins, I have something to help. I've created a video course to expand your search for coins in fun and creative ways with my friends who run the Facebook coin group "The Gravy Train". The idea is to get people helping you to find more coins. It's free to access the videos, and you can sign up here:

Coin collecting is meant to be fun, so that's our aim with this video series, or at least make it easier.

In addition, The Gravy Train guys have created a separate Facebook group that allows members to trade coins. The idea of this special group is that collectors can swap coins with other collectors for face value (instead of paying silly prices). You can join the group here:

All of this is free and I hope that you find it useful. If you're not a member of The Gravy Train yet, just click "Join Now" and respond to all 4 membership questions, including agreeing to the rules. In the third question, when they ask 'How did you discover The Gravy Train?', just put "Australia Coins"

In the meantime, good hunting and keep using cash.



PS If you are after a copy of the Pirate Guide, you can order a copy here:
(There is a paperback version and a Digital/eBook version to choose from).
