Subject: Australia Coins - What does Willy Wonka have in common with time travel?

Hi Friend

So the Mint seems to be playing Willy Wonka...

But instead of Golden tickets, they have released a special 2019 one dollar coin...

Yes, it's a coin from the future, but that's not what makes this coin strange.

As you probably know, in 2019 the Queen's portrait on the Heads side is changing on ALL Australian Coins.

But these coins have the current Queen's portrait on them!?!?!

Yes,  that means these coins are technically “wrong”.  It's a deliberate error, or a special release or... well it's not clear yet.

What the Mint have told me is that they have something special planned for these coins. However, they won't tell us what the deal is until November 1.

They have said that we should hold onto these coins if we find them.

So, the hunt is on - what you’re looking for is:
- One dollar coins
- The Heads side has 2019, but the current portrait of the Queen (so they'll look like your other coins).

These coins have been found in both change and in the sealed bags handed out at Coin Swaps.

The coins are already selling on eBay (just search “2019 one dollar coin”).

Please let me know what you find.

As always, Happy Hunting.


PS If you want more info on this, here is a Reddit article showing one of the coins: