Subject: Would you be interested in this?

Hey there!

I’m gonna get straight to the point here:

What I’m hearing from a lot of people in my community is that investing more than $997 into Manifest True love or private coaching with me feels like a BIG risk right now. 

You’re not sure if you’ll get the results you’re hoping for. Or you simply can’t afford it at the moment.

So I had an idea: a way of working with as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

And a way for you to reduce the financial risk.

Here it goes:

I’m thinking of creating a workshop on understanding men or why men do (insert occasionally confusing things men do here ;-).

I would run it live with a small group of women, capped at 40 people. 

The sessions would be recorded and accessible indefinitely.

I’m envisioning 3 sessions around an hour-ish spread out over the course of a week. That way if you miss a session, you’d still have time to catch up.

I’m eager to test out the first workshop as soon as possible, so if it happens at all, it’ll be soon.

The cost would be about $100.

Before I do anything else, I want to gauge the interest in a low-cost workshop like this. Do me a favor and click on ONE of the following links:

I’m definitely interested in an understanding men workshop like this.


Thanks but I’m not interested.

I really appreciate your input.

Until next time,


P.S. Email recap time:

I’m thinking of running a workshop of about 30 people. The goal would be for you to take the first steps toward truly understanding men so you can detangle your relationship or MANifest a new one.

The cost would be around $100, and you’d get unlimited access to the video recordings.

Can you let me know if you’d be interested in this kind of workshop? Please click on just one of the following links:

I’m definitely interested in an understanding men workshop like this.


Thanks but I’m not interested.

Thank you!