Subject: The missing piece...


Being rejected feels awful.

It’s like you finally let someone in and they saw who you really are... and you somehow didn’t measure up.

It really hurts.

And sometimes when it happened to me— like when my husband sat me down and coldly announced he didn’t love me anymore— I unknowingly leaned on my masculine, “doing” energy to try and fix it.

But everything I tried to use to attract men failed until I realized I what I was doing wrong.

I was leaning on the wrong energy source.

The truth was, I felt much safer “doing.” It seems logical, right? Doing feels like you’re in control. And being in control was about the last thing I was experiencing.

So I gravitated toward the “right” action steps since they made me feel in control. And by then, I knew the steps like the back of my hand since I had been successfully teaching them to private clients and in my program Ex Attraction Formula for years.

“You do X,Y,Z to get him back.”

The instructions that seemed to make the most “sense” when I was hurt and stressed were the most directive.

Here’s what you say.

Here’s what you do.


And it worked for my clients-- so well that they wrote me love notes about how excited they were about fixing their relationships or meeting The One.

As I learned more and more about myself and the people I coached, I realized something else was frustrating me and getting the way of practicing these things for myself.

... and... I was super confused why techniques I KNOW worked for everyone weren't working for me. 

For awhile this was so frustrating it was like finding a desert oasis but not being able to drink.

My methods worked but it wasn't BECAUSE of the specific steps, they worked because of the specific mindset that the steps led toward.

It was NOT that I lacked the information.

There was something about knowing TOO MUCH about the exact mechanics of what TO DO that it was blocking the growth behind WHO I wanted to become.

What I was looking for was hiding right under my nose. I was TOO CLOSE to it since I could dissect "what to do," for a client, 5 ways from Sunday.

Since I already knew the "action steps" inside and out, I was doing them mechanically, like an alien might if someone explained that in order to dance, you simply turn on music, move your hips and shake side-to-side.

When I was “doing,” and "problem solving" the men I tried using my best seduction action steps on just weren't responding the way I rightfully expected.

So... out of sadness, one day I just let go. 

I totally shut down everything I was "doing." I was so frustrated that I did my best to just forget everything and accept that even thought I was a rockstar at getting love for other people, I'd go hermit style myself.

During this struggle, sometimes I thought back to when I was younger and captivated men by seemingly not "doing" anything. I knew I had that energy in there somewhere. I didn't know what I had done then-- and now I was "doing" too much.

And, in this questioning surrender I realized what I was doing wrong.

For all of my teaching and learning about masculine and feminine energy systems, I was totally in my masculine.

Being primarily in your feminine energy is a paradox. You do without doing. You create without creating.

...and it took totally letting go of trying anything to realize it and unlock what I always had to work with.

The effect was magic.

Men who I hadn’t spoken to in months suddenly got in touch.

Guys at the super market suddenly seemed to develop whiplash as I picked up my groceries wearing the same old "work at home" yoga pants as usual.

Shuttle drivers and random men went out of their way to be extra attentive and chivalrous— even when there was nothing in it besides a quick thank you for them.

The wasband started calling and texting all the time. He made me dinner. He brought me things and suddenly started offering to help with little chores even though he had no specific reason.

Suddenly people were nicer. Everything didn't feel so heavy. Generous gifts started flowing toward me, completely unsolicited

There were still “rules” to accessing this energy and what could be technically called action steps, but they weren’t about what to do as they were about WHO was doing all of it.

If you're doing all the right things but not getting what you want when it comes to love, maybe you're all the way in your masculine and you don't even realize it. I certainly didn't.

That's why I wanted to get a group together as soon as possible to harness and explain the unexplainable and share what I have shared with private clients for years-- with the extra, added benefit of now running on the energy system we're going to discuss.

Here's how you can join me.

First, if it's not right for you at this time, I get it.

But if you've been feeling like there's a missing piece to this love stuff that you're not getting.

... Or... if you're not being lovingly cherished by a man the way you want..

... Or...  you just want to collapse time and get someone lovingly rubbing your back and treating you like a Queen.. preferably yesterday...

...make sure you grab this fast before I shut down registration for this first round.

Since I haven't taught a group class like this before, I'm going to keep this first group small and intimate.

Don't miss out. Get your details here.

Until next time,

Elizabeth Stone

Kriya, LLC, 7260 W. Azure Dr. Ste 140-760, 89130, Las Vegas, United States
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