Subject: Is it time to level up?

In over a decade of focusing on relationships, I’ve noticed that what creates lasting, transformational results is much deeper and wider than simply strategies and mindset behind connecting better with a loved one.

In general, most people on my email list (which is why you’re getting this message) are focused on love and romance.

Which is great– I love working with relationships.

However, for some time now, I’ve been focused on getting people the most wide-reaching, effortless changes possible– no matter what is happening in their relationships. So that life is completely different before and after our work together.

That’s where I have an opportunity to share with you.

I’m interested in working one on one and helping you with anything and everything you want to create, build, do, or have in your life.

It can be creating new love, saving your relationship or getting back together (because I will probably geek out about that until I’m on my deathbed).

Or that you want to create a breakthrough in your business.

Or it could be that you want a nicer experience with life.

Or you want to create more abundance– whether it’s financial, emotional or otherwise.

Maybe you simply want a change and sense this might be for you.

The cost is $3,500 for a 10 week coaching agreement plus a two day intensive online or in person in Phoenix, Arizona. The intensive will take place first– then we’ll meet weekly for the remainder of our time together.

If you are interested, please fill out the application here. If we’ve worked together in the past, I will reach out to get it scheduled. If you’re new to coaching with me, we’ll set up a quick chat to make sure it’s a good fit and then get started.

Here’s creating effortless, happy changes.

Much love,


P.S. If you want to see what coaching with me normally looks like or have questions, check out the coaching page here.

If you’re curious about what people say about coaching with me, you can see reviews here.