Subject: heart of a lion, stomach of a goat

heart of a lion, stomach of a goat

September 23rd, 2020 at 7:55 pm EDT

One of my clients dated for years through his social network but he wasn’t meeting the woman who made his heart skip a beat. When he moved to a new city I advised him to give online dating a try. He had been resistant to online dating for sometime, ...

show her you're selective [technique]

September 22nd, 2020 at 6:57 pm EDT

One of the biggest turn offs for high-quality women is when we feel like a man is ready to make us his girlfriend on our first date. When a guy starts talking about what “we’re going to do” in the future before I’m even attracted to him it’ ...

fill your dating funnel with high quality women!

September 21st, 2020 at 6:14 pm EDT

One of my clients only dated one woman at a time for his entire life. Dating multiple women is very new to him. In fact, he’s sweating a little because he has an abundance of amazing women who want to meet up with him(which is a quality problem to ...

why results come when you stop caring

August 11th, 2020 at 9:04 pm EDT

Does this ever happen to you? You steadily pursue a woman, showing up for her week after week. But you notice that her interest for you is neutral at best. After you've put in quite a bit of time and effort, with very little give in return, you de ...

no more mr. nice guy

August 6th, 2020 at 7:19 pm EDT

When TJ came to me he was living in a loveless marriage. Everyday he would tiptoe around his wife's volatile personality. They had begun couples counseling because of her infidelity but he was still committed to making his marriage work. "Valiant" ...

here's what keeps you stuck with women

July 30th, 2020 at 10:48 pm EDT

Do you struggle with "even having" a dating life? Or have a hard time going for the women you truly want? Do you feel pressure when dating; to perform, to have everything figured out, to go at her pace(even if she wants to move faster than you)? If ...

healthy arguing techniques for relationships

July 28th, 2020 at 8:44 pm EDT

"Healthy" and "arguing" are two words that most people would say don't go together. But the truth is knowing how to argue well is the key to having a lasting relationship. When two people come together they come from different backgrounds, upbringin ...

how to stop being the nice guy

July 23rd, 2020 at 9:09 pm EDT

Want to know one of the top reasons high value women don't "value" you... OR miss you completely on their radar. It's because they view you as a nice guy. Why? It's because you people please with them! You may not people please in every situation o ...

why you keep attracting the wrong woman

July 21st, 2020 at 9:32 pm EDT

3 months in you wake up yet, again, in the wrong relationship wondering how the heck you got there. Or maybe you haven't made it that far but you notice that all of the women you meet don't have the qualities that you truly desire. Here's something ...

Does your self esteem determine who you attract?

July 14th, 2020 at 8:48 pm EDT

Self Esteem: The esteem with which you hold yourself. Having high self-esteem is important to cultivate in life to have healthy relationships and to go for what you want in your life. If you find yourself attracting emotionally abusive, toxic, narc ...