Subject: what no other dating coach will tell you

There’s something that PUA artists and most dating coaches aren’t telling you that’s keeping you stuck with nervousness, anxiety and neediness with high-quality women.

Not because they’re trying to screw you over or because they want to keep you stuck on their programs(though, of course that could be the case).

But most likely it’s because they don’t understand something.

You see most dating professionals will give you bandaids to cover up your nerves; bandaids like strategies and techniques.

They work for a while but they often don’t stick and they have a tendency to fly completely out the window with the women you’re attracted to the most.

Meanwhile, my clients fly consistently and stay there... like my client Seb who only did a few sessions with me before he met his gorgeous, loyal girlfriend who inspires him.

Prior to us working together he felt needy and like he didn’t know how to stop it. He repelled women and didn’t know why….

When we worked on his mindset
His belief system around women
And his somatic experience with women

Dating became a breeze for him… and quite literally women began to approach him. Honestly he was shocked!

You might be wondering at this point what the heck is a “somatic experience”?

...And that would be a great question. This is the part that I feel fortunate that I get to address with clients that other people don’t…

Your somatic experience is your physical experience…. Not just your thoughts and beliefs but also your physical sensations.

Did you know that when you think thoughts they manifest in your body as sensations?

OR the reverse that when you start talking to that gorgeous blonde and you feel your heart start to race or your palms start to sweat that those sensations can signal your brain to think thoughts that tell you that “she’d never go for a guy like you” or that something feels very wrong and you need to sabotage this conversation.

What if you knew how to overcome those feelings? 

What if you actually had control of your nerves instead of them controlling you? 

What if you could control how you respond to high-quality women so you don't miss out on more opportunities? 

Like my client JC who stopped undervaluing himself as a man and attracted his dream woman who he said “she made me believe like there’s such a thing as soulmates”.

Ready to take action and have results like these? 
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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