Subject: mindset trick to fix self-sabotage with women

A common way that guys self-sabotage a connection with a high quality woman is by putting her on a pedestal.

They make up this story about how awesome she is, they can't get over how gorgeous she is, and how perfect she is for them.

Men do this before really getting to know a woman to see if she’s actually the bees knees.

  1. When they do this they often start to shrink themselves in comparison to her.
  2. They’ll hide the most authentic parts of their personality.
  3. They get nervous.
  4. I’ve had clients tell me they clam up on dates because of this mindset.
  5. Or they'll deem themselves unworthy.

When they do this they subconsciously sabotage the connection. The woman will then sense the energy is off. She'll typically become turned off but won't be able to finger on "why".

But she'll follow her intuition and won't agree to another date.

Here’s how to interrupt this, if this is your challenge….

Since you’re good at building her up in your mind and telling yourself the story of how awesome a woman is.

I want you to do the opposite.
Build a case against her.
I don’t mean antagonize her but do this as a mental exercise. 

Build a case for all of the unknowns about her.
If you’re so sure she’s so awesome…
What about the opposite?

Ask yourself these questions as you talk to her...
  1. Did she treat her last partner well?
  2. Is she treating you well?
  3. Will she change once you really get to know her?
  4. Does she come from a good upbringing?
  5. Is she on healthy terms with her exes or does she talk crap about all of them?
  6. Do you know what she’ll be like a year into your relationship?
  7. Do you live life at the same pace?
  8. Are your personalities a match? How do you know?

These are questions that you simply won’t have answers to when you’re first getting to know a woman.

If you can keep these questions in mind when you’re first going on a date with a woman who’s so hot that she makes you drool a little, it will allow you to keep a level head.

You can take her down a notch or two.

Try this mindset when you get nervous, it will allow you to think clearly about her. 

Roll the questions through your mind just as much as the positive assumptions you’re making about her.

This will level the playing field and allow you to come across as confident and discerning. 

She will feel this healthy discernment from you.

It will communicate your high-value and will build intrigue in her mind. 

"Who's this guy? Most guys squirm when they're around me?" She'll ask herself. 


Now, putting women on a pedestal is one way that some men self-sabotage with high-quality women.

Typically, each pattern of sabotage is different within every man’s psychology.

This is why when you join The Confident Man Program I will never give you cookie cutter mindset advice.

Each of my clients gets customized coaching unique to their psychology.

Together we’ll discover exactly what is happening with your mindset, your self-talk and your limiting beliefs with women so that you have control over your mental and emotional state with the women you’re most attracted to. 

...and access your confidence with the women you want. 

When women feel this from you they won't be able to help showing your their interest; giggling and giving your sultry looks. 

Once you're there you won't have to worry about your mindset because you'll know that you have her full attention. 

with gratitude, 
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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