Subject: is creepiness genetic?

Do you ever wonder if you come across creepy to younger women? How would you know if you were?

It’s often difficult to see if there’s anything you’re doing that’s throwing up “red flags” to the women you’re interested in. If someone could tell you would you want to know?

I would for sure want to know if I was robbing myself of opportunities with guys that I was interested in if it was something that was under my control and if there was something that I could do about it.

I wish I could say that most guys aren’t creepy! But the reality is that there’s things that guys do that are ultra creepy and they do them often without noticing it.

One of those things is “lingering looks”. I can’t tell you how creepy it is when a guy is just starting for a long while… it’s weird. In fact, I would rather him just come talk to me and get it out of the way.

On the other hand a man who makes strong eye contact is hella sexy!

But how do you know if you’re lingering vs. making strong eye contact?

I know it can be confusing… all these rules.

It’s actually much simpler than you think.

Another instance is asking for a woman’s phone number! 

When a guy asks for a woman’s phone number and he does it in a confident way it’s amazing for both parties and the gal is elated… but when he does it in a creepy way… it’s a total buzzkill for her!

So, how do you know which category you fall in? If you’re in the creepy category how do you change that?

The good news is that “creepiness” isn’t genetic… It’s actually super easy to fix.

In fact, it just takes a couple of adjustments to your frame of mind and body language. Oh yeah!

That being said, I know how painful it can be when you’re not getting the results you want with the kinds of women that you want to be with…

...And how frustrating it is when you’re not quite sure what you’re doing wrong.

So, I’ve decided to give you a free gift that will allow you to come across as confident instead of creepy!

I’ll be doing a 30 Minute Attraction-Alignment Session with a select group of guys where you will…

*Learn exactly how to exude confidence to the women you want without worrying if you’re being creepy

*Identify your #1 Sexy Factor! Every man has something that makes him uniquely sexy and I’ll tell you exactly what yours is and how to use it

*Learn your #1 Action step that’s going to attract more high-quality women into your life

The session will be conducted by phone and it is complimentary… the only thing you need to do is qualify for it!

I simply can’t talk everyone… So, I’ll be taking on 10 people max.

All you have to do is answer a few questions and hit submit and I will be selecting the 10 people in the next couple of days.

I look forward to connecting with you!

With gratitude,


Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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