Subject: fill your dating funnel with high quality women!

One of my clients only dated one woman at a time for his entire life. Dating multiple women is very new to him.

In fact, he’s sweating a little because he has an abundance of amazing women who want to meet up with him(which is a quality problem to have ;)

One of the reasons he chose to work with me was because he was tired of ending up in the wrong relationship.

Dating women who were more interested in what he could provide for them than in him.

Before our work together he often felt an experience of lack with women. When he would finally meet one that was interested in him he would jump at the opportunity to be with her. Naturally, if there are few to no options that’s what you would do.

The only problem with this is that you really don’t know who you’re committing to and if they are the right choice for you because you haven’t really dated around to see what you really want.

Also, when you jump head first into a relationship because of lack you skip the step of vetting the woman to make sure she’s going to be a good fit for a relationship with you.

Finally, you’re energetically communicating that you’ll take what you can get which doesn’t attract high quality women to you. High quality women want you to be choosy and discerning because that’s how they are dating.

When you date multiple women you are silently communicating to women…

  1. That you have abundance with women because you ACTUALLY do. It’s a lot easier to access “abundance mindset” when you have abundance lol. Much more challenging to “positive think it” on your own.
  2. That you’re discerning and that you have your choice of women. Yes, contrary to popular belief that women get jealous when a man dates multiple women, we actually view men who date around(consciously of course) as a catch.
  3. That you are confident and that you know what you want. There’s few things sexier than a man who knows what he wants. If you are someone who knows what he wants then wouldn’t you have the confidence to keep dating until you found her? Yes, this is what women instinctively understand about you.

How did my client accomplish this?

Here are the steps we took…
  1. We created a killer online dating profile for him that magnetized high quality matches.
  2. We created a messaging system that helped him transition his high quality matches offline where he would chat with them on the phone and invite them to dates.
  3. We worked on his mindset, self-talk, and limiting beliefs so that he could show up as confident in conversations and on dates with his high quality matches.
  4. We upleveled his social skills and utilized his social network so now he not only meets women online but also attracts them at social and family events.

√  Now, he’s constantly dating multiple women at a time. 

√  Dating is easy and he doesn’t have to work “hard” to get a date. 

√  If one connection doesn’t work out he simply brushes it off and moves on to the next because he knows there’s no shortage of great women who want to date him. 

√  The women he dates are beautiful, high self-esteemed, women who have a life of their own.

Want results like these?

Great! Enrollment is open into The Confident Man Program.

A 3 month program that will guide you to… 

√  Match with high quality women online

√  Transition your matches to phone dates and then "real" dates

√  Breakthrough any negative self-talk with women

√  Be confident with the high quality matches and dates throughout the dating process

√  Fill your dating funnel with the women YOU want

This program IS for you if you are…

>>  Ready to date or currently dating

>>  Want to dial in your online dating process to get high quality matches

>>  You are an action taker

>>  Are open to being coached by a woman(me)

This program is NOT for you if…

>> You have emotional hang ups and aren’t ready to date. If this is you, there’s no shame in the game, you would be a better fit for my 6 month “deep dive”. : ) Reply to this email to get the application.

>> You’re not able or willing to implement quickly

>> You’re not open to sharing your beliefs around women, dating and relationships with an impartial guide.

>> You’re in another relationship that you’re trying to leave. If this is you, again, you’d be a better fit for a deep dive.

Now, if you're ready to finally create that abundant dating life full of incredible women!

If you're ready to take out the guesswork from dating.

If you're ready to have choice with women and have the sexy, meaningful connections with the women you want... 

with gratitude, 
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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