Subject: The #1 reason you're not a "yes" for the women you're attracted to

The #1 reason you're not a "yes" for the women you're attracted to

September 28th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! The #1 Reason Why You Aren’t A “Yes” For The Women You’re Attracted To You know that saying “how you are with anything is how you are with everything”? Well, there’s a particular way that some men sho ...

How to attract a high-quality woman

September 27th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! It feels weird to be successful in so many areas of life; have your career thriving, be able to provide your kids a great life, work to get to a point where you can take time off pretty much whenever you want... An ...

The biggest mistake men make that push quality women away

September 21st, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! One of the biggest mistakes men make that push high-quality women away is... 👉Making assumptions about the status of the connection too soon. 👈 Assumptions are the killer of most relationships. But, let's ta ...

Are you gonna make a move or nah?

September 20th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! Are you gonna make a move or nah? #realtalk It is a question (most) women are secretly asking YOU that they will NEVER say out loud! Just today I was sitting at a coffee shop getting work done on my laptop. Homebo ...

What's really holding you back from attracting the woman you want... it's not what you think!

September 14th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! Sometimes people come to me because they think that I hold a magic key to their relationship problems. They get excited about the tool I’m going to give them… My messaging system for attracting dates online ...

Client wins be like...

September 7th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! This email is really just an excuse for me to sing... "All we do is win win win no matter what..." One of my clients wins be like... ✔️ Attracted a sexy new babe who's intelligent, infinitely curious about him ...

She said, "I've never met a guy like you before..."

September 6th, 2019 at 6:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 👉 Going from: Is a potential partner going to accept these qualities about me? To: What do I want? 👈 This is the biggest fundamental shift I see my clients make time and time, again. In fact, the statement ab ...