Subject: at first he thought she was a Nigerian scammer

She actually messaged me first because my profile was magnetizing her 

When Steve started working with me he felt isolated and defeated.

He had just gotten divorced and he felt like he had failed.

He had already started dating but was getting no results even after a year of trying.

🔥 What he did know is that he had to do something different…

🔥 And that he needed a fresh perspective on what he was doing wrong.

What he did believe…

That ALL my clients have in common is that…

→ There was something more in store for him in his love life
→ And that he didn’t want to be alone forever.

That commitment drove him to face the fear he had when he joined The Confident Man Program…

→ The fear of being vulnerable and sharing his inner world with another person(moi)

What was on the other side of facing that fear was…

→ Attracting an abundance of women
→ Attracting his now fiance 
→ Gaining more confidence that he could dream of
→ The drive to start a new business and go after his dream [Cool Bonus]

What it took and what I coached him on in The Confident Man Program was…

→ Putting himself out there
→ Being okay with any result and having no expectations
→ Being okay with being rejected
→ Getting the clarity on the kind of woman he really wanted

And then after we wrote his profile, curated his photos and got him in his messaging groove…

And after about 5 to 10 dates!

He met his lady!

She actually messaged him first because his profile was calling her.

At first he couldn’t believe it… he literally thought she was a Nigerian man scamming him on the internet so he took a minute to respond… (which I think is both hilarious and endearing) 🤣🤣🤣

Luckily she wasn’t!

...I feel fortunate to catch up with him a year later to hear his experience in The Confident Man Program and an update on their relationship.

You can listen in to my interview with Steve as he talks about his experience in The Confident Man Program. 

AND if you’re ready to take action…

If you know that you're not meant to be alone 

And believe that there's something more in store and someONE out there for you...

Then apply for >> The Confident Man Program here. <<

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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