Subject: You can't "make" someone be attracted to you

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I got on the phone with a gentleman the other day who wanted me to help him catch the attention of a Pilates teacher he was crushing on.

I kind of already knew where this conversation was gonna go…

Anytime, someone wants me to help them get the attention of “1” particular person… keyword there is “1”, it's usually a losing battle.

We jumped on the phone and within 2 minutes I could see exactly what was happening.

Not good news for him…

As he expected to dive into this diatribe about what he’s already tried and how to turn it around I stopped him and said…

"Hey, we’re not going to have this conversation!"

He was surprised!

What do you mean?

I mean you already know what to do… you’ve already told me that you’ve been working on your "dating game" for a while, that you’ve even tried the whole PUA(pickup artist thing)with some success, and you’ve already told me that you generally know how to get a date, right?


So, I’m not going to tell you anything new if we go down that path! And I'm not going to help you twist yourself around to get this girl.

What I will tell you is that you’re obsessing over this one person and you’ve lost sight of what you actually want.

A fantastic woman who’s into you as much as you’re into her!



So are you ready to have that conversation?

**Deep sigh**

Reality sinks in.


See here’s the thing…

What I especially love about what I do is that people come to when they're ready for that real love(that real thang) and not a moment sooner.

I don’t bullshit my clients... or my potential clients!

You can’t “make” someone be attracted to you!

You just can’t! They’re either going to be into you or not!

Now, I have seen people transform over the course of YEARS, and then like magic they begin to attract the person that once wasn’t into them. That’s a long “game” that I don’t suggest playing.

What you CAN do is learn the right tools to date and attract the caliber of partner that you want(there is for sure some strategy involved)….

What you CAN do is know your worth and have a “take it or leave it” attitude so that you’re not wasting time on women who just aren’t interested in you.

...or wasting time with women who you're lukewarm for.

What you CAN do is grow as a man, as a partner, and understand what you “bring to the table” in a relationship.

What you CAN do is share who you are powerfully and authentically!

What you CAN do is have standards for how you want to be treated.

These are things that you CAN control that will make high quality women pay attention to you.

With gratitude,


CTA for email - If you're ready to learn the right tools to date and attract the caliber of partner that you want then >> apply for an attraction assessment session here <<
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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