Subject: Women are scary, I know! 😉

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

One of the reasons you’re not meeting a quality woman is because your fear won’t let you!

I met a gentleman recently who was honest enough to tell me that he’s been valuing comfort more than he values being with a partner who’s going to make him shake in his boots.

When you meet your equal she's going to make you shake in your boots at least a little.

She won’t just illuminate your greatness… she might also illuminate your darkness and insecurities that lie dormant when obscured from the light of love.

She'll light a bit of a fire under your bum.

This experience will make you feel uncomfortable.

This experience will awaken parts of you that have been asleep…. You might like that or you might run from it!

So if you keep meeting potential partners that you’re less than jazzed about…

Consider that there’s a part of you that’s a little scared and wants to avoid the expansion that true love will undoubtedly elicit from you.

Ain't nothin' wrong with that... but remember to call it what it is. As they say, "the truth will set you free".

with gratitude,


If you're ready to break through your fear and attract an amazing woman into your life fill out this application for an >> attraction assessment session << and let's get started!
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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