Subject: When you recognize your worth...

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya!

The biggest win in my book is when a client finally recognizes his worth.

A client recently chose to end a relationship with a partner after discovering a sea of lies. Lies that pervaded the entirety of the relationship.

...and a partner who continued to deny him of the truth.

Leaving was incredibly difficult for him… He struggled with what her family would think of him… he had gotten very close to them.

He struggled with being labeled as “the bad guy” for ending the relationship even though he had every right to leave. Part of it was in his head and part of it was reiterated by his environment. The tide was against him which furthered his confusion.

He finally made a powerful choice to leave, against all odds!

Against, the conditioned mind that was screaming that this “was normal”, “this is what he deserved”.

In the past he would’ve stayed long after the expiration date.

When we first spoke about his victory, to him it didn’t feel like one.

I reminded him of the strength it took for him to say “no” to her and end it. Something that he had never done in relationships past.

I reminded him of what it took for him to break the pattern, the cycle of getting into relationships that felt off from day-1, letting go of the anxiety that had come with these relationships that had become eerily comfortable.

...He recognized that he had outgrown that comfort and that it was more painful to stay than it was to leave.

He got too big for that relationship!

He told me later that he usually goes through a long period after a relationship where he spends a lot of time sad and alone.

He said, “I’m not going to do that this time, I’m going to get out there date and have fun.”

So he did! He got on a dating app for the first time, something that before made him really nervous.

...and then something happened, not only did he get a positive response online.... he got an extraordinary one!

A lot of firsts for him.

And many more to come now that he knows who he is and is clear that he CAN have what he wants.

#transformationcity #clientwins #Ilovemypeople #whenyouvalueyourselftheuniverseresponds #proofisinthepudding

with gratitude,


Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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