Subject: What's really holding you back from attracting the woman you want... it's not what you think!

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

Sometimes people come to me because they think that I hold a magic key to their relationship problems. 

They get excited about the tool I’m going to give them…

My messaging system for attracting dates online 

The sexay online profile that I build them

The insights I’m going to tell them about women that will reveal the way she thinks and her hidden desires 

They believe that there’s a THING that will get them from point A ➡️ B

...and yes strategies and tools are necessary to take effective action that leads to results



None of that stuff works until you do the work within!

The stuff that most people want to avoid.

The stuff that most people aren’t even interested in.

People say to me “Katya, there are not enough quality women out there

Which means I need to meet more quality women. That’s the answer!”

Instead of asking “WHY do I keep attracting the women who aren’t a good fit? What is it about me that’s like a magnet to the relationships that never work for me?”

Or they come to me and tell me that dating online is coming up with a bunch of flaky contenders….

So they need a better strategy to get better MORE reliable women.

But when I dig a little bit deeper we find out that they’ve been dating halfheartedly… so guess what they get halfhearted responses and results.

Your results are a reflection of what’s happening inside of you

Which is the VOLITION behind your actions

Which is what ACTUALLY produces your results

It’s not just the action

It’s the energy behind your action

Remember dating isn’t a passive sport

Now, that you’re paying attention

Let’s talk about what’s really getting in the way of your results.

What's really in the way is a “blind spot”!

I had a client once tell me he wasn’t meeting enough quality women.

When I asked him about some of his experiences with women we discovered that he had, in fact, met women that he was interested in...

And experienced some deep anxiety as he was dating them. They could feel it, and it was unnerving for them so they broke it off with him.

But of course, his mind blocked this out of his memory because it was painful and he didn't understand it.

That’s the uncovering of a blind spot.

Now, he can do something about it.

He can address the underlying issue (the anxiety) that’s ACTUALLY producing his results.

So that when he goes to take the actions in the future he will be coming from a much different place (with some work... anxiety-free).

His new actions with his new VOLITION will produce a different result.

So you’re probably wondering well how can I work on my blind spots if I can’t see them…?

Well, friend, that’s what a dating coach is for.

A coach can help illuminate what was once hidden so that you can take the actions that lead to the PREDICTABLE positive results that you want.

If you’re ready to easily attract an amazing woman into your life with ALIGNED action fill out an application for an > > Effortless Attraction Session < < with moi!

...where we will uncover your blind spot so that your actions produce the results they're supposed to, and attract the women you want. 

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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