Subject: What does your heart want?

Hey, its your coach, Katya! 

What does your heart want? 

Have you asked it that, recently?

Or do you just listen to your head?

Your head wants a lot of things. Often they’re contradictory… and multitudinous (what a word!).

Your head could lead you down a hundred different directions at any given moment.

Your heart only knows one way.

Living from your heart isn’t the easiest route. least it hasn’t been for me. It’s a daily exploration and commitment.

It’s the most vulnerable path a person can take.

Leading with your heart doesn’t mean ignoring your head, or the rest of you.  

But it does mean putting it in the CEO position of your precious organization (YOU) and all of its invaluable personnel.

Leading with your heart make you prone to a thousand little heartbreaks in any given day (and they happen anyway even if you don't think you're leading with it).

Most of the time those little heart breaks… the “no’s”

The “unmet smile”

The “let downs”

The “broken promises”

The “not being heard”

Are enough for your head to tell your heart…. “We've suffered enough, why don’t you let me lead for awhile”

But what the head forgets is that the heart is impenetrable. Each little tear makes it stronger and wiser.

So, if you’ve shunned your heart for a while… deeming it untrustworthy.

Because the last time you listened to it, it felt like you broke into a thousand little pieces.

Just remember this….

You were doing the best you could…

...with the tools that you had at the time.

You are wiser and stronger now BECAUSE of your heartbreak.

Your heart sends you messages (updates) along the path you choose (together) about “what’s working” and “what’s not”.

Listen to those.

Your heart knows your values. Inform your head of them so the two of you can work together.

Most importantly, remember that your heart is resilient. 

Way stronger than you give it credit for.

It doesn’t need your pity.

It eats for breakfast your feelings of “unworthiness”.

It can take criticism, and it’s weapon of choice is lashings of love!

Don’t mistake it for being passive. Or that it’s supposed to “just take it”.

If you let it, it will defend your honor better than your brilliant brain can (Remember, they work together).

Trust in it.

Listen to it so you can better understand what it’s voice sounds like. 

Your heart will always have your back.

with gratitude,


PS, If you’ve forgotten what your heart sounds like and you’d like to start living with it, simply respond to this email with "I'm ready to lead with my heart" and let's have a conversation.
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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