Subject: The psychology of attraction (it's not what you think)

Hey Friend, 

If you've been married before, had a girlfriend, or dated at all you don't have an "attraction problem" since clearly you know how to attract women.

If you're wanting to attract a high quality woman who's there to stay but you're not finding any options there's something else that needs to be addressed. 👈

That something is an unconscious psychological pattern that's sabotaging your efforts. 

That pattern plays out in a few different ways...

If any of these scenarios sound like you then this pattern is probably keeping you from attracting an amazing partner into your life.

🔄 1. You find yourself in relationships that aren't the right fit and get stuck in them for too long.

🔄 2. You simply don't "see" the kind of women you want and keep wondering where you can find the quality of women you're looking for.

🔄 3. You see the kind of women that you're looking for but you have a hard time going for them.

🔄 4. The women you're interested in are unavailable or you have long standing friendships with them hoping that it'll become something more.

🔄 5. You don't have the energy to put into your dating life so you keep giving up and never really give dating a fair shot.

While all of these scenarios look different they all have one thing in common (besides you, of course 😅).

That one thing is that they actually keep you from having the amazing woman you REALLY want.

This is not your fault, of course. If a pattern is unconscious that means you can't see it.

That being said, if you notice something playing out in your life over and over, again, and keeping you from having the relationship that's really important to you.

Isn't it time to address it?

Carl Jung said "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Which is why it's helpful to have a trusted guide to illuminate the pattern so that you can do something about it AND create your own fate!

This is what I do in my 1on1 coaching practice.

I help you...

1. Identify the underlying patterns that sabotage your success with women

2. Get crystal clear on what you really, really want and become a lighthouse for that woman and partnership

3. Transform those patterns into a new mindset, behaviors and actions that instinctively move you towards what and who you want

If you'd like this kind of customized support in your love life.

Go ahead and fill out this Application for Private Coaching

Once I review your application if I think that I can help you, I'll reach out to you schedule an Attraction Planning Session where we'll map out a game plan to help you attract the amazing woman and relationship you want. 

I'm looking forward to connecting! 

with gratitude, 
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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