Subject: The dating mindset of a champion

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

👉 Dating Mindset Tips:

I wanted to share the mindset of my amazing client who has an abundant dating life full of intelligent, sexy women and he’s dating in Los Angeles which is self described by Angelenos as one of the worst cities in the world to date in!

We were discussing what mindset shifts he made in our work together to produce his epic results...

Because guess what folks, it's 80% mindset and 20% strategy when it comes to dating and we’ve already curated a slick online dating profile for him that brings all the ladies to the yard!

Here's what he shared with me...

🔥 I have an openness to show who I am and I’m operating under the idea that as long as I’m having fun and I’m true to myself then I’m doing all that I can!

🔥 I don’t worry about things like “are we gonna do this or are we gonna do that” I just go with the flow and I honor the things I want to do on a first date as much as what she wants to do

🔥 If it doesn’t work out that’s okay. You could say I have an abundance mindset instead one of desperation.

🔥 I’m also not thinking that the next woman I meet, even if she’s great, is someone who I have to immediately make my girlfriend or partner

🔥 I find that I am more present and less daydreamy about “future plans” w/ new women I date ie I’m thinking less about what life with her months or years down the road will look like

🔥 I also don’t think I have to hold back - I’m just thinking “oh she’s cool, I’m enjoying spending time with her, she’s enjoying spending time with me let’s see where this goes and if this is a good fit!”

This is much different from...

🙄 Constantly worrying and wondering if she's having a good time

🤯 Having to create epic dates for perfect strangers because you feel obligated to impress them

😓 Making sure everything goes perfect because god knows this could be the last date with the last woman on earth!!!!

🧐 Thinking every woman you meet is Your Woman

🤤 Getting that glossy checked out look when you're on a date because you're off to the races about who she is for you(and yes women can feel this from you)

Which is where most guys start when they begin working with me.

Nothing wrong with that... it's just hella disempowering to date from this place and doesn't create epic results!

And it's not your fault!

💪 If your dating life has been crickets because you've been so focused on making epic moves in your career

💔 Or you've taken a break from your romantic life after a bad break up

🧛‍♀️ Or you've been on some seriously crappy dates so when you finally go on a good one you glom onto her for dear life like a stranded sloth on a highway barrier

It's completely understandable!

And transforming all that and creating a sexy dating life instead where you feel confident in your own skin is totally figureoutable!

When you have the right Strategy ✅ and Mindset ✅!

So if you'd like to learn the steps to dial that in for you, fill out the > > Effortless Attraction Session < < application!

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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