Subject: The biggest mistake men make that push quality women away

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

One of the biggest mistakes men make that push high-quality women away is...

👉Making assumptions about the status of the connection too soon. 👈

Assumptions are the killer of most relationships.

But, let's talk about it in the context of new relationships...

Here are the top 3 most common assumptions that will kill your romance(and your confidence) before it even starts!

💔 #1: Just because you had a great time on a date doesn't mean that you are guaranteed another one (and another one).

You can only assume that someone had as good a time as you did but the reality is you don't know until they agree to another date.

When you make this assumption you become attached to the outcome and when the date doesn't go through, it leaves you down in the dumps.

💔 #2: Getting "googly-eyed" on an early stage date! (Aka assuming that you already have a future together)

When you get googly-eyed on a date what's happening is you're making assumptions about who this person is for you, you're filling in the gaps, you're jumping into the future and fantasizing!

You're not present.

You're not there in the moment.

This is unattractive. A woman doesn't want to feel like you have latched onto her after hardly knowing her. It's too much pressure! ...Even if you're not saying anything explicitly to her about how you feel she will feel your "sticky" energy.

Finally, and this last one is a bit counter-intuitive...

💔 #3: Assuming that she's not interested!

Early-stage dating is nerve-wracking. Sometimes it feels like the date isn't going well... maybe you're nervous, or you said something and got a strange look, or you have some self-talk that goes something like "she'd never be into a guy like me".

Don't assume that a woman doesn't like you just because everything isn't going perfectly or you've had a few disconnects.

You will self-sabotage your way out of the connection with this mindset!


Now, here's the thing!

Making assumptions isn't your fault.

Our minds are wired to make assumptions. Our brains make assumptions to save energy and time, and to help us label situations as familiar (good, bad, dangerous, pleasant, etc.).

It's a survival mechanism and it's here to stay!

That being said if you want to be aware of your assumptions and avoid letting them RUN YOU, you will have to train yourself to gain emotional and mental awareness.

For those of you who are interested in having a juicy connection with an amazing woman consider this instead...

🤠 If you're feeling a date! You had a great time! Great! ➡️ Become outcome-independent! Don't assume that anything is owed to you, including another date.

When a woman feels this from you, you will naturally give her the space to lean into the relationship and show her interest.

🤠 Focus on the present moment. Understand your tendency to jump into the future.

Typically, we fantasize about the future because we feel "uncertain". We don't know what's going to happen next! We don't know if this person likes us yet. This creates a sense of unease.

Accept this unease and you will have access to "presence". The #1 thing that a quality woman is looking for from you.

🤠 Finally, to combat negative self-talk you've got to own your worth! You've freakin' got this!

How do you know she's not interested in you? How do you know she'll think you're creepy? You don't!

What if she thought that stupid joke you shared was endearing? What if she thinks that your quirks are cute?

You won't know until you find out!

The antithesis of assumption is curiosity.


P.S. If you'd like to learn how to own your worth so that you can easily navigate the early stages of dating and keep the attraction of an amazing woman...

Apply for an > > Effortless Attraction Session < < where we'll outline the exact step that will get you there.


with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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