Subject: Thank you for being such a man about this!

"Thank you for being such a man about this! Thank you for having everything handled. It was such a treat."

A woman said this to my client on their first date after he told her he would pick her up and had everything planned about their date.

She said she could relax and not worry about logistics (a big part of her job) and take a break from that mindset.

(Be still my beating heart.)

I can’t take credit for this, though.

Because what the fudgekins (yep, that's a word) do I know about being a man?

I’m about as femme as they come... with a touch of big dick energy. 😆

What my work is about about, though, is helping men unlock their natural masculinity.

...and peel away the layers of insecurity, doubt, and second-guessing that shroud him from being purposeful and self-expressed...

Unveiling that "I've got this" attitude that makes the ladies swoon.

If you'd like to learn how to trust your natural masculinity and have women compliment you on how relaxed they feel when they're around you... simply hit reply to this email with "I'm ready to unlock my masculinity" in the body of your email and let's chat.

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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