Subject: Snacks and happenstance

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I was at TJ's getting some snacks before my hike the next morning.

As I was fondling some apples in the produce isle I almost started an applanche. A sole apple began to roll towards the floor.

Then out of nowhere a hand came and caught my apple mid-air.

My eyes flowed up their arm and I met the gaze of a radiant woman grinning back at me from ear to ear.

I exclaimed, "nice catch". We shared a moment and that was that.

It got me thinking about making new connections, of course.

Everyone wants to make this kind of connection... provided it turns into something more...

Organic (no pun intended)



Meeting eyes at the grocery store

Sharing a dance at a salsa class

...And effortlessly sailing off together into the night hand in hand...

Unfortunately(or fortunately), these moments cannot be manufactured.

You cannot force connection.
You cannot manufacture spontaneity.
Ease comes from a lack of "trying".

So, what are you to do...?

...If you really want someone in your life.
If you really want something to work.

You get to learn to engage in life without constantly seeking.
You get to surrender to the possibility that love will come.
You get to "do you" AND be a joyful participant out in the world, at the same time.

My clients most often find these connections when they stop efforting which doesn't mean they stop acting!

They meet interesting people when they say yes to the unexpected.

They get loved on when they relax and embrace themselves.

When you are connected with yourself you allow the flow of life and love.

You allow for spontaneity.

...and this is where the magic happens.

And It does take effort but probably not the kind you think.

It takes effort to take your guard down after you've been hurt so that you can see people clearly.

It takes belief in yourself and that what you want can be reality.

It takes a deep love and acceptance of yourself and your value.

...and then allowing that part of you to shine and to be seen. 

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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