Subject: Intimacy is bred through connection

Hey Friend, 

You have to be willing to make big moves if you want big breakthroughs in your marriage, your relationship, your dating life!

I have people tell me that what they want most is intimacy, but what they're actually doing in their relationship is tip toeing around "relationship caca"!

You don't get intimacy and passion by being meek OR nice and definitely not by withholding!

Intimacy isn't bred by distance its bred by connection.

I ask some couples what it was like before when they had an awesome sex life, or when things were super touchy feely at home.... what did you do before sex? What were some rituals for connection?

They'll say, "well, we used to talk for hours on end!"

And now you don't?

"Well, no!"

You see, there's a gap in connection and if you can't bridge that gap first you don't get intimacy which follows closely after...

Simple to understand not always easy to do!

It takes courage to reach out, to express your pain, your desires, or say "I'm sorry!"

Why not try and take just the first step and bridge the connection gap... see if intimacy peeks in, even for a moment.

That's progress.

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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