Subject: I'm sitting here in Portland tuckered out...

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I’m sitting here at this lovely cafe in downtown Portland, tuckered out after my road trip and energized for what’s to come.

I’m about to embark on a new journey into the wisdom of the nervous system.

I’m here for a training called Somatic Experiencing.

SE is a body-oriented method for transforming trauma(or prolonged stress).

Stress that’s caused by neglect, emotional abuse, or the corrosive impact of ongoing fear and conflict.

I’m excited to incorporate this training into my work with clients and have already started seeing the benefits with my clients when I apply a body-oriented approach.

Also, I’m just really excited to learn.

I love learning!

I especially love learning about humans; how we work, why we do the things we do, how we grow, how we heal, what impacts and how we can foster our experience of aliveness, love, and connection.

This year my passion around my work has deepened because I have reconnected to my WHY!

Since, I have lasered in my focus on what's really important to me, life has been flowing and opening up in ways I didn't think possible.

There have been times when I have lost track of my WHY and made it about something else… need to build fancy systems in my biz, need to impact millions of people(and now!!), need to craft the perfect freedom-based-lifestyle, have to build out products and programs, must make more money… on and on it goes.

...And without a doubt (some) of those things are important and all of them are valid.

But that’s not why I got into coaching.

Besides, most of that just makes me feel a ton of pressure... and doesn't necessarily impact my performance or my reach.

I got into it because I’m a voracious learner. experiential learner at that.

I love learning and then being able to share my learnings through my work and impact people in a profound way.

Beyond the results my clients get with women…

They all say the same thing when at the end of our work I ask them what they got?

They tell me that they found themselves, again.

That they feel alive, again.

That they can actually FEEL and enjoy the juicy “connection” that they’ve been cultivating with another.

They were striving for one thing... But when they reconnected to what's really important to them... they got to have their cake and eat it too.

So, if you’ve been striving towards a goal…

I want to ask you something…

Is it really about the goal?

Or is it about how that goal will make you feel when you have it?

If it’s the latter, then remember you can start now!

...and when you refocus on that feeling of ALIVENESS that you’re craving that you think a partner will bring you.

...if you refocus on that sense of CONNECTION that you desire and start to cultivate it first within.

...when you tune into the LOVE that’s available for you at any moment.

Your journey will become much smoother.


Life will flow, again, where it has been stagnant.

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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