Subject: I remember sitting in physics class

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I remember sitting in physics class in High School. I raised my hand because I didn’t understand something and the teacher called on me. I quickly tried to formulate my question and get it out.

The teacher looked at me and instead of answering my question told me that my question was dumb… actually what he said was that I was a dumb blonde and that, that was a dumb question!

The whole class erupted in laughter! I shrunk in my seat and my face turned red.

That memory has been vividly etched into my brain. I can’t tell you how many moments I’ve experienced where I felt powerless to speak, shrouded in shame and fear of looking “dumb”.

Or how many more moments where I’ve been shamed for being too curious, outspoken, passionate, the list goes on!

It has taken many years of personal development, countless hours of sitting in conference rooms @ communication workshops, therapy, and countless difficult conversations that I chose to confront...

To be able to overcome my fear of expressing myself, to own and share my truth, and quell the shame monster that lurks near, waiting to censor.

...and finally to bottle all of this up into a set of tools that can liberate others!

Which is why I deeply resonate with my clients when we uncover their hesitation around sharing their “true selves” with women.

My clients don’t come to me thinking they have a self-expression problem!

They come to me thinking they have a problem with dating or meeting women, or with keeping a woman’s interest…

And YES those things are valid!

But, what’s happening right underneath the surface is that they’re afraid to share who they really are!

Or don’t even see that as an option or possibility!

They have this incredible chasm between how they interact with their friends/family/work and how they interact with women…

And I get it somewhere along the way they were taught it wasn’t okay to be themselves with women!

That they had to be something more, something different, something else.

They picked it up from their parents, society, the playground, an ex girlfriend…

The reality is that the reason that attraction has been so hard up until this point is because they haven’t had the freedom to be themselves so they feel like they have to be everything else but that!

Meanwhile, the women they’re dating are craving to SEE them! The real them! (At least the ones worth their time, are.)

The candid, uncensored version.

The quality women that are interested or could be interested have nothing to latch onto… They can't see his personality, they can’t see who he really is and they’ve already learned to never invest in a man for his “potential” alone so they cut him loose.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the phone with a client and as we’re going over an interaction that he had I ask him, did you say that?

Well, no!

To which I reply, why not?! And some version of… “that was cheeky” or “that was real”, “If I was on the receiving end of that I would’ve thought it was cute, endearing…”

And then we dig into what’s getting in the way of THAT expression coming out in real-time!

Here’s the thing! You don’t need to learn some cheesy pick up lines, you don’t need to learn to be more of x,y,z… You just need to learn how to let your internal wall of censorship to come down.

That’s why I call my introductory session an “effortless attraction session” because it should be effortless to be yourself, to have nothing to hide, nothing that you can’t say!

...and attract a partner naturally through your unique self expression.

If you’d like to have that kind of freedom with women  apply for an > > Effortless Attraction Session < < here.

Here’s to your expression!

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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