Subject: How to start a conversation with a woman

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

Someone recently asked me... how do you go about starting a conversation with a lady in a way that's "agreeable"? He was referring to online messaging but this goes for all forms of communication.


No one ever makes an impact or an impression by trying to be "agreeable".

The biggest reason that many men don't go on 2nd or 3rd dates with the women they most desire, or don't get responses online is because they don't know how to make a lasting impression.

Because guess what comes up...

Am I gonna offend her?
Will she like me?
Is this too much?
Will she misread this?
She looks busy...

On and on and on!

While you're busy thinking about yourself and if you're going to look bad...

You're missing precious possible moments of deep connection!

Which is all that women really want!

When you're on a date, she want you to have something to say.

She wants you to be confident and secure.

She wants you to share about the cool stuff that you've been up to.

She wants you to be present enough to really listen.

She wants to relax and laugh and enjoy the moment and create a memorable experience together...

But none of that is possible if you're worrying about being agreeable or playing it safe!

Connection is created in those risky vulnerable moments when you go deeper than the surface together.... and you have to be bold and take the lead because she's not going to do it for you!

...and you wouldn't want her to.

Do you want to know how to break through those insecurities that hold you back so that you feel confident with women instead?

And make a lasting impression on the women you're attracted to so that she's jazzed to see you, again?

Go ahead and fill outan application for an > > Attraction Assessment Session here < < and let's get started!

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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