Subject: How to be challenging with women

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

I’ve had many guys ask me how they can accomplish being “a challenge with women”

Which signals to me that they’ve read some info. on the interwebs that told them that women like men who can challenge them!

Conceptually they get what that means!

...But they don’t really understand how to navigate it in practice…

Being challenging in conversation simply means having your own thoughts, opinions, and stance on subject matter.

...and that you honor that stance in conversation with women that you’re attracted to.

See this is where things fall apart...

Because guys DO have their own thoughts, opinions and stance on issues… but when it comes to communicating that to the women they’re interested they instead freeze up, get quiet, or feel obligated to agree with them instead.

Because they’re scared that if they do "challenge" a woman’s POV that she won’t like them! She’ll reject them or get upset with them, which is rarely the case.

Yet, this is a risk that they get to take if they want to stay true to themselves and honor that what they have to share is valuable...

And accomplish “being challenging” which really isn’t a technique at all or a "thing that you do to generate attraction"...

But a way of being!

When you are true to yourself you will naturally contrast others

And it is this very contrast that creates polarity, intrigue, attraction...

But it is not something to manufacture

Rather something to allow

If you have a hard time "being yourself" with the women you're most attracted to drop me a pm and let's discuss how you can breakthrough that block so that you can have easy and natural connection with women!


with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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