Subject: How "great guys" attract women w/o being a jerk

“Hector, you’re such a great guy!”

That’s what Hector’s female friends would tell him every time they saw him without a date at a party.

It felt really nice to have women recognize him for being a really good guy.

But the problem was being a good guy wasn’t attracting any women to him.

Was that not enough?

Even though he was educated, intelligent, had a good job, had good ties with his family and was in pretty good shape…

Women weren’t that interested in him romantically.

In fact, his romantic connections were far and few in between.

He didn’t understand what was missing…

Hector was hoping that burying himself deeper into his professional life, making more money, and waiting it out until the right woman came along and saw and appreciated him for the good guy that he was, was a good enough strategy.

Eventually, it would happen right?

Not exactly!

A woman who is attracted to you for the good guy that you are has less to do with being patient and hunkering down, and continuously trying to show up as a “good guy” hoping that they’ll notice that about you and want to date you.

Now, I’m not saying that you should throw the “good guy” out the door and turn into a jerk to attract the ladies.

But you also need to…

Learn to clearly communicate your confidence and value as a man
Have an attraction strategy that consistently attracts high quality women to you.

Hector saw that he needed help with both; his confidence and his attraction strategy

So when he saw The Confident Man Coaching Program it was a no brainer for him.

He knew he needed support(an unbiased perspective) to remove internal blocks and claim his confidence

He knew that he needed a proven strategy to help him attract the women he desired, and accountability to keep his head in the game.

And he was ready to have an abundant dating life with high quality women and finally narrow in on a special woman who was a match for him.

He felt a bit hesitant to invest; it felt a bit vulnerable to confide in another person his challenges and lean on someone for support.

He wasn’t completely sure that this would solve his problem

But he took the risk anyway because he was tired of doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results.

Want to know what he got out of The Confident Man program?

Hector went from a non existent dating life (after growing tired of dating women who weren’t really interested in him but kept leading him on)…

To creating an abundant dating life with educated, beautiful and often exotic, international women.

He went form feeling incredibly anxious in social settings and in his dating life to having women message him things like this… "you always know the right thing to say" and "I've never met a man like you before" 

Oh and make no mistake! Having sex drenched weekends with amazing women and finally getting to go on those romantic weekend trips that he so craved to share with someone became a regular occurrence. 

He let go of worrying about “losing out” on opportunities with women and clinging to the first woman who would come into his orbit to being “outcome independent” letting women naturally show their attraction to him making it easy to read their cues, take the lead and be the man they craved.

Want to hear more about Hector’s experience in The Confident Man Program? Listen below 

Ready to claim your confidence and attraction strategy? Apply for The Confident Man Program Here. <<
Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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