Subject: How To Know If A Woman Is Flaking On You

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

Are you dates flakier than a buttery croissant?

How To Know If A Woman Is Flaking On You Or If It’s Actually A Scheduling Issue

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re trying to meet and genuinely connect with women…

...but the women you want to connect with keep flaking on you. 🥐

They cancel plans last minute or re-schedule endlessly, or worse they disappear entirely.

It burns ya out!

Makes you want to throw in the towel and call it quits on this whole dating thing.

But before you do that here’s one simple thing to notice to determine if a woman is flaking on you…

Or if it’s actually a scheduling issue.

This is a simple thing my clients look for a woman to communicate that saves them from countless hours chasing women down for a date.

If a potential date cancels on you and actually has the intention of seeing you / again. 🙄

This is especially true if it’s a first date from the interwebs or if you barely know each other. 🧐

She’ll do one simple thing.

She’ll usually apologize and she’ll initiate rescheduling with you saying something like… 🙏

“I’m so sorry I need to reschedule, when’s the next best time for you…” OR “I’m free on X date, are you avail?”

If she doesn’t do this the reality is that she probably didn’t have any real intention in going on that date with you. 🤷‍♀️

...And yes that totally sucks and most of that is totally out of your control.

And playing “integrity police” with strangers from the internet is a losing battle.

But here’s one thing that you do have control over.

If women flaking or canceling on you is a consistent challenge for you

AND with the quality women who you’d really like to go out with...

Then you don’t have a flaking problem, you have a connection problem.

Here’s what I mean…

Women want to go on dates with men who they feel a connection with.

So if you are starting conversations with the women you want to connect with and...

If that connection isn’t there and you’re plowing through the interaction just to get to asking her out(you're missing the point)... and you’re moving too fast friend.

Ya gotta slooooow it down!

If you’d like to know how to build that connection with ease apply for an > > Effortless Attraction Session < < with me and I’ll share with you the three things a woman needs to feel before she goes out witchu (this works for women you’ve met organically or online) 😍

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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