Subject: Here's my #1 tip for how to avoid going on a bad date when using online dating apps!

Hey Friend, its your coach, Katya! 

Hot hot hot dating tip straight off the press... 🔥🔥🔥

Here's my #1 tip for how to avoid going on a bad date when using online dating apps!

Always, always, ALWAYS talk on the phone before going on a date!

I know it may feel weird to request a phone convo. in our fast paced, texting world

I know that you may not be "the best" on the phone

But if you're truly tired of going on bad dates you can eliminate 80% percent of them, if not all, by talking on the phone before going out with a person from the interwebs!

I can truly attribute all of my bad dates to when I skipped the phone convo. and went straight to the date! ALL of them!

There's so much you can learn from a 20 minute conversation...

Their energy
You can even pick up on whether the two of you will have chemistry!

That being said, you do have to get a sense of what to look for in the conversation...

If you'd like to know the Top 3 Things To Look For In A Phone Convo That Will Lead To An Epic Date With A Wonderful Human...

drop me a gif in the comments and I'll send it over!

(oh and this works for both men and women so ladies don't be shy 😉)

with gratitude,

Ekaterina Morozova, 267 Drystone Trail, 78642, Liberty Hill, United States
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